From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" Subject: On-Line Articles about SI and Other Peer Learning Programs Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:45:37 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7601.17609 On-Line Articles about SI and Other Peer Learning = Programs
On-Line Articles about SI and Other Peer = Learning=20 Programs

These 150 publications, Power Point = presentations,=20 and video programs are a subset of the larger annotated bibliography on=20 postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs available at = edu/~arend011/Peerbib03.pdf. That bibliography contains nearly 800 = publications=20 of all types related to nationally-known postsecodnary peer cooperative = learning=20 programs. This web page identifies all the publications and other = resources that=20 are available on-line. Sometimes the web links become broken when the = hosting=20 web sites make changes in their file arrangements. Please contact the = editor of=20 this page with changes or additions, Thank = you.

Revised=20 August 4,=20 2007

Alexander, B. = B., Burda,=20 A. C., & Millar, S. B. (1997). A community approach to learning = calculus:=20 Fostering success for underrepresented ethnic minorities in an Emerging = Scholars=20 Program. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering,=20 3(3), 145-159.(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED408180). = Retrieved=20 July 30, = 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/16/9e/c9.pdf<= /P>

Allen, D., & Tanner, = K. (2005).=20 Infusing Active Learning into the Large-enrollment Biology Class: Seven=20 Strategies, from the Simple to Complex . Cell Biology Education, 4(4), = 262-268.=20 Retrieved August 4, 2007 from

Andersson, A. (1996).=20 Supplemental Instruction in Mechanics A. Unpublished manuscript, = The Lund=20 Institute of Technology at Lund, = Sweden. Available: Center for = Supplemental=20 Instruction, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5014 Rockhill Road, = SASS #210,=20 Kansas City, MO 64110 USA.  Retrieved July 1, = 2004, from 20ref_webb/pdf/Bruzell-Nilsson_Bryngfors_Student%20Success%20in%201996.pd= f=20

Anton, H. F., Dooley, J. = L., &=20 Meadows, D. C. (1998). Developmental educators as Supplemental = Instruction=20 providers: The next step. In Selected conference papers: =20 National Association for Developmental Education (pp. 6-7).=20 Mobile, AL: = University of=20 South=20 Alabama.  = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from http://www.nade= .net/documents/SCP98/SCP98.16.pdf =20

Arendale, D. (1993). = Foundation and=20 theoretical framework for Supplemental Instruction. In D. C. Martin, = & D.=20 Arendale (Eds.), Supplemental Instruction: Improving first-year = student=20 success in high-risk courses 2nd ed.,  (pp. = 41-50).=20 Monograph Series No. 7. Columbia, SC:=20 National = Resource = Center for The Freshman Year = Experience=20 and Students in Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. = ED354839).=20 Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from du/~arend011/REVTHEOR.pdf=20

Arendale, D. (1993). = Fostering=20 multicultural education with a learning assistance model that works:=20 Supplemental Instruction.  Unpublished = manuscript,=20 The University of Missouri-Kansas City. Retrieved June 12,=20 2005, from=20 u/~arend011/SIMULTX.pdf=20

Arendale, D. (1994). = Understanding=20 the Supplemental Instruction model. In D. C. Martin, & D. Arendale = (Eds.),=20 Supplemental Instruction: Increasing achievement and=20 retention  (pp. 11-21). New Directions for = Teaching and=20 Learning No. 60. San = Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. = Retrieved=20 June 12, = 2005, from

Arendale, D. (1996). = Frontloaded=20 academic support: Supplemental Instruction in two-year = colleges.=20 Unpublished manuscript, The University of Missouri-Kansas City. = Retrieved=20 June 12, = 2005, from ~arend011/SI2YR.pdf=20

Arendale, D. (1996). = Lessons that I=20 have learned from students in peer study groups. National Association = for=20 Developmental Education Newsletter, 20(1), 1-3. Retrieved = June 12, = 2005, from http= ://

Arendale, D. (1997). = Suggestions=20 for improving attendance in Supplemental Instruction = sessions.=20 Unpublished manuscript, The University of Missouri-Kansas City. = Retrieved=20 June 12, = 2005, from

Arendale, D. (1997). = Supplemental=20 Instruction: Review of research concerning the effectiveness of SI from = The=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City and other institutions across the=20 United=20 States. In Proceedings of the = 17th and=20 18th Annual Institutes for Learning Assistance = Professionals: =20 1966 and 1997 (pp. 1-25). Tucson, AZ:=20 University = Learning = Center,=20 University of = Arizona. (ERIC Document = Reproduction=20 Service ED457797). Retrieved July 1, = 2004, = from =20 7proc_arendale.htm=20 and cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/19/4f/da.pdf=20

Arendale, D. (1998). = Increasing the=20 efficiency and effectiveness of learning for first year college students = through=20 Supplemental Instruction. P. L. Dwinell, & J. L. Higbee (Eds.), = The role=20 of developmental education in preparing successful college students = (pp.=20 185-197). Monograph Series No. 19. Columbia, SC: The National = Association for=20 Developmental Education and the National Center for the Study of the = Freshman=20 Year Experience and Students in Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction = Service=20 No. ED423794).  Retrieved June = 12,=20 2005, from=20 ht= tp://

Arendale, D. (2001). = Effect of=20 administrative placement and fidelity of implementation of the model of=20 effectiveness of Supplemental Instruction programs [Dissertation, = University of=20 Missouri-Kansas City, 2000]. Dissertation Abstracts International, = 62,=20 93. Retrieved July 1, = 2004, from /~arend011/disdir.htm=20

Arendale, D. (2002). = History of=20 Supplemental Instruction: Mainstreaming of developmental education. In = D. B.=20 Lundell, & J. L. Higbee (Eds), Histories of developmental = education=20 (pp. 15-27). Minneapolis, MN: Center for Research on Developmental = Education and=20 Urban Literacy, General College, University of Minnesota. Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from http://www.e=

Arendale, D. (2003). = Supplemental=20 Instruction study strategies: Using the Information Processing=20 Model.  Retrieved July 1,=20 2004, from=20 trategies%5B1%5D.doc=20

Arendale, D. (2004). = Pathways of=20 persistence: A review of postsecondary peer cooperative learning = programs. In I.=20 M. Duranczyk, J. L. Higbee, & D. B. Lundell (Eds.), Best = practices for=20 access and retention in higher education (pp. 27-42).=20 Minneapolis, MN: Center for Research on=20 Developmental Education, General = College,=20 University of = Minnesota. Retrieved = March 15,=20 2005, from=20 http://education= =20

Arendale, D. (2007). = Annotated=20 bibliography of postsecondary peer cooperative learning = programs.=20 Unpublished manuscript, College of Education and = Human=20 Development,=20 University of = Minnesota. Retrieved = July 1, = 2007, from edu/~arend011/Peerbib03.pdf=20

Arendale, D., & = Martin, D. C.=20 (1993). Review of research on Supplemental Instruction. In D. C. Martin, = &=20 D. Arendale (Eds.), Supplemental Instruction: Improving first-year = student=20 success in high-risk courses 2nd ed.,   (pp. = 19-26).=20 Monograph Series No. 7. Columbia, SC:=20 National = Resource = Center for The Freshman Year = Experience=20 and Students in Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. = ED354839).=20 Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from

Arendale, D., & = Martin, D. C.=20 (1993). Supplemental Instruction in the first college year. In D. C. = Martin,=20 & D. Arendale (Eds.), Supplemental Instruction: Improving = first-year=20 student success in high-risk courses 2nd ed.,  = (pp.=20 11-18). Monograph Series No. 7. Columbia, SC:=20 National = Resource = Center for The Freshman Year = Experience=20 and Students in Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. = ED354839).=20 Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from

Arendale, D., & = Martin, D. C.=20 (1993). Understanding the Supplemental Instruction model. In D. C. = Martin, &=20 D. Arendale (Eds.), Supplemental Instruction: Improving first-year = student=20 success in high-risk courses 2nd ed.,  (pp. 3-10). = Monograph Series No. 7. Columbia, SC: The=20 National = Resource = Center for The Freshman Year = Experience=20 and Students in Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. = ED354839).=20 Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from http://www=

Arendale, D., & = Martin, D. C.=20 (1997). Review of research concerning the effectiveness of = Supplemental=20 Instruction from the University of=20 Missouri-Kansas=20 City and other=20 institutions. = Kansas = City, MO: The University of = Missouri-Kansas=20 City. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED370502). Retrieved=20 July 30, = 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/15/9b/2e.pdf<= /P>

Arendale, D., & = Martin, D. C.=20 (2001). Introduction to special issue on Supplemental Instruction with=20 underprepared students. Journal of Developmental Education, = 24(3), 2, 40.=20 Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from

Arendale, D., & = McLaren, A.=20 (1999). Supplemental Instruction: Variations on the basic theme. In = Selected=20 Proceedings of the 16th (1997) & 17th (1998) Annual Conferences of = the=20 Pennsylvania Association of = Developmental=20 Educators = (pp.=20 40-44). Pittsburgh, PA: The Community College of = Allegheny = County.  (ERIC = Document=20 Reproduction Service No. ED 428632).  Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from and cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/17/77/3c.pdf

Austrell, P.-E., Barmen, = G.,=20 Bryngfors, L., & Gustavsson, P. (2001). VSI och "collaborative = learning" for=20 att minska variathionen i forkunskaper i mekanik bland = nyborjarstudenter.=20 Proceedings of the Conference at = Norrkoping,=20 Sweden = Norrkoping, = Sweden:  = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from =

Barker, L. J., & = Cohoon, J. M.=20 (2007). Peer-led Team Learning: = Retaining women=20 through collaborative learning.  Boulder, CO: National = Center for=20 Women & Information Technology. Retrieved August 4, 2007 from http://=

Beasley, C. J. (1997). = Students as=20 teachers: The benefits of peer tutoring. In Proceedings of the 6th = Annual=20 Teaching Learning Forum (pp. 21-30). = Perth, = Australia:=20 Murdoch = University.  = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from http://lsn.cur=

Blat, C., Myers, S., = Nunnally, K.,=20 & Tolley, P. (2001). Successfully applying the Supplemental = Instruction=20 model to sophomore-level engineering courses. In Proceedings of the = 2001=20 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &=20 Exposition American Society for Engineering Education. =20 Retrieved July 1, = 2004, from http://www.succee=

Blat, C. M., & = Nunnally, K.=20 (2004). Successfully applying the Supplemental Instruction model to = engineering=20 and pre-engineering. In Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for=20 Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. = 12-17).=20 Savannah, GA: American Society for = Engineering=20 Education.  Retrieved June = 2,=20 2005, from=20 http://fie.en=

Bruzell-Nilsson, M., & = Bryngfors, L. (1996). Use of Supplemental Instruction to improve student = learning in Sweden. A passport to = enhanced student=20 learning, success, satisfaction, and retention.  = Proceedings=20 of the International Conference on the First-Year Experience,=20 St.=20 Andrews,=20 Scotland (pp. 67-68).=20 Columbia, SC: The=20 National = Resource = Center for the Freshman Year = Experience=20 and Students in Transition.  (ERIC Document = Reproduction=20 Service No. ED398792)  Retrieved July 1,=20 2004, from=20 20ref_webb/pdf/Bruzell-Nilsson_Bryngfors_Student%20Success%20in%201996.pd= f=20

Bryngfors, L., & = Barmen, G.=20 (2003). The LTH Program -- A Structured introductory process to improve=20 first-year students=92 performance and learning. National Association = for=20 Student Personnel Administrators Journal, 40(4), Article 3. = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from http:= //

Bryngfors, L., &=20 Bruzell-Nilsson, M. (1997). Supplemental Instruction: An experimental = project=20 with the method of Supplemental Instruction.=20 Lund, = Sweden: The Lund Institute of = Technology=20 and The Faculty of Science. Available: = Lund = University, Center for Supplemental=20 Instruction, Kansli LTH, Box = 118, 221 00=20 Lund,=20 Sweden.  = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from,%20Bruzell-Nilsson_An%20Experimental%20P= roject%201997.pdf=20

Capstick, S., Aisthorpe, = A.,=20 Fleming, H., Haynes, S., & Spiers, M. (2003). Peer assisted = learning in=20 Business Education: Innovative student support with wide-ranging=20 benefits. Unpublished manuscript, = Bournemouth=20 University,=20 United=20 Kingdom. Retrieved = July 1, = 2004, from=20 =20

Capstick, S., & = Fleming, H.=20 (2002). Peer assisted learning in an undergraduate hospitality course: = Second=20 year students supporting first year students in group learning. = Journal of=20 Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, and Tourism Education, 1(1), 69-75. = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from htt= p://

Clulow, V. G. (1998). = Supporting=20 student learning in high risk university subjects and the = interrelationship to=20 effective subject teaching:  An analysis of a peer = tutoring=20 experience. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,=20 University of = Melbourne, = Parkville, Victoria.  = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from http://e=

Coe, E. M., McDougall, A. = O., &=20 McKeown, N. B. (1999). Is peer assisted learning of benefit to = undergraduate=20 chemists? University Chemistry Education, 3(2), 72-75.Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from=20 and http://www=

Congos, D. H., & Bain, D. W. = (2001,=20 December). A boardwork and note formatting model for learning = mathematics=20 coursework using writing. The = Learning = Center Newsletter, =  Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from http://ww=

Couchamn, J. A. (1997). = Supplemental=20 Instruction: Peer mentoring and student productivity. Researching = education=20 in new times Brisbane, Toowoomba, = Australia: Australian Association = for=20 Research in Education.  Retrieved July 1,=20 2004, from=20 /97pap/coucj521.htm=20

Dill, D. (2004). = Implementing PLTL=20 in the quantum concepts semester of physical chemistry. Abstracts of Conference Papers for the = 227th American=20 Chemical Society National Meeting (p. CHED-35). Washington, D.C.: = American Chemical Society. Retrieved August 4, 2007 from

Doty, C. (2003). = Supplemental=20 Instruction: National data summary, 1998-2003. Unpublished=20 manuscript, The University of Missouri-Kansas City, The International = Center for=20 Supplemental Instruction. Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20 0Supplemental%20Instruction%20Report%2098-03.pdf=20

Doyle, T., & Hooper, = J. (1997).=20 Structured Learning Assistance Project. Final Report, Fall Semester = 1996,=20 Winter Semester 1997. Unpublished Manuscript,=20 Ferris = State = University (OH). (ERIC Document = Reproduction=20 Service No. ED425772). Retrieved July = 30,=20 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/17/22/2d.pdf=20

Doyle, T., & = Kowalczyk, J.=20 (1999). The Structured Learning Assistance Program model. In Selected = conference papers of the National Association for Developmental = Education,=20 Volume 5 (pp. 4-7). Warrensburg, MO: National Association for = Developmental=20 Education.  Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20 http://www.nade.= net/documents/SCP99/SCP99.2.pdf=20

Dreyfus, A. E. (Ed.). = (2003 ).=20 Internet Homepage of the Peer-Led Team Learning Program=20 [On-Line].  Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20 and http://www.sci=

Dreyfuss, A. E., & = Gosser, D. K.=20 (2006). In their own words: Learning to be a peer leader. In D. B. = Lundell, J.=20 L. Higbee, I. M. Duranczyk, & E. Goff (Eds.), Student standpoints = about=20 access programs in higher education (pp. 143-157). Minneapolis, MN: = Center for=20 Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy, College of = Education and=20 Human Development, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Retrieved August = 4, 2007=20 from http://www.e=

Fallon, D. M. (2005). = Analysis of=20 academic assistance programs on at-risk students at the
United States = Naval=20 Academy
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Freyvogel, C. (2006, = February 1).=20 Model students: Area teacher sold on team-learning process. The Tribune-Democrat, Johnston, PA. = Retrieved=20 August 4, 2007 from

Gardner, J. F., Moll, A. = J., &=20 Pyke, P. A. (2005). . (2005). Active learning in mathematics: Using the=20 Supplemental Instruction model to improve student success. = Proceedings of the=20 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference &=20 Exposition Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering=20 Education.  Retrieved June = 3,=20 2007 from seemath/2565_05_1.PDF=20

Glesner Fines, B. (2003).=20 Structured Study Groups at the University of Missouri-Kansas City = School of=20 Law. Unpublished manuscript, University of Missouri-Kansas = City.=20 Retrieved July 1, = 2004, from h= ttp://

Gosser, D. K. (2003). = Peer-Led=20 Team Learning: An introduction. Unpublished manuscript, City=20 Univresity of New York. Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20 =

Habley, W. R., & = McClanahan, R.=20 (2004). What works in student retention?=20 Iowa = City, IA: American College = Testing, Inc.=20 Retrieved April 20,=20 2005, from=20 h= ttp://

Hawthorne, J., & = Hawthorne, J.=20 W. (1987). Separating the wheat from the chaff: Finding the unique = effect of=20 Supplemental Course Instruction.  (ERIC = Document=20 Reproduction Service No. ED328201). Retrieved Julyl 30, 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/22/c1/1a.pdf=20

Hoffelder, A. M., & = Hoffelder,=20 R. L. (2003). Evaluation of the = Peer-led=20 Learning (PLTL) approach to General Chemistry, CHM 137 for Fall = Semester,=20 2002. Oxford, OH: Miami University. Retrieved August 4, 2007 from = ht= tp://

Hoffelder, A. M., & = Hoffelder,=20 R. L. (2003). A gender comparison of = academic=20 preparation and general chemistry success as seen in two approaches to=20 instruction during Fall semester, 2002 at Miami University. = Oxford, OH:=20 Miami University. Retrieved August 4, 2007 from http://www.=

Hrabovsky, P. (1999). Math = Supplemental Instruction at Indiana University of Pennsylvania: A short = and=20 sweet first report. In Selected Proceedings of the 16th (1997) & = 17th=20 (1998) Annual Conferences of the = Pennsylvania Association of = Developmental=20 Educators = (p. 45).=20 Pittsburgh, PA: The Community College of = Allegheny = County.  (ERIC = Document=20 Reproduction Service No. ED 428 632).  Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/17/77/3c.pdf=20

Indiana Commission for Higher = Education.=20 (1997). Campus retention programs at=20 Indiana public institutions: = Working=20 paper. = Indianapolis, IN: = Indiana Commission for Higher = Education.=20 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED431480). Retrieved = July 30, = 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/17/9d/0f.pdf=20

James, D. W., Jurich, S., = &=20 Estes, S. (2001). Raising minority academic achievement: A compendium = of=20 education programs and practices. = Washington, D.C.: American Youth Policy = Forum.=20 Retrieved March 15,=20 2005, from=20 http://www.doe.s=

Kampmeier, J. A. (2003). = The=20 scholarship of teaching. Unpublished manuscript, City = Univresity of=20 New York. Retrieved July 1, = 2004, from =  and Jack-1.doc=20

Kochenour, E. O., Jolley, = D. S.,=20 Kaup, J. G., Patrick, D. L., Roach, K. D., & Wenzler, L. A. (1997).=20 Supplemental Instruction: An effective component of student affairs = programming.=20 Journal of College Student Development, 38(6), 577-586. Retrieved = July 1, = 2004, from /lep/si/article.htm=20 and r/SIpaper.htm=20

Kosciuk, S. (1997). = Impact of the=20 Wisconsin Emerging Scholars = first-semester=20 calculus program on grades and retention from Fall = 1993-1996. = Madison, WI: Unpublished manuscript, = University=20 of Wisconsin-Madison. Retrieved March = 15,=20 2005, from=20 h= ttp://

Lipsky, S. A. =20 (Ed.). (2003 ). Internet homepage for the NADE SI Special = Professional=20 Interest Network [On-line].  Retrieved = July 1, = 2004, from http://w=

Livingston, S., Duda, D., = &=20 Lucas, K. (2001). Supplemental Instruction at=20 LaGuardia = Community=20 College. PEPnet 2000 = Innovation in=20 Education:  Postsecondary Education Programs Network = Annual=20 Conference (pp. 241-246). Knoxville, TN: Postsecondary Education = Programs=20 Network.  Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20 http= ://

Mahdi, A. E. (2006). = Introducing=20 peer-supported learning approach to tutoring in engineering and = technology=20 courses. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education,=20 43(4), 277-287. Retrieved June = 4,=20 2007 from rted_learning_apporach_to_tutoring_in_engineering_and_technology/ ml=20

Marcus, D. (1996). = Supplemental=20 Instruction with mentoring support at Anne Arundel Community College. In = R.=20 Shoenberg (Ed.), Lessons learned from Fund for the Improvement of=20 Postsecondary Education Projects III . Washington, D.C.: Fund for = the=20 Improvement of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education. = Retrieved=20 July 1, = 2004, from

Marra, R. M., & = Litziner, T. A.=20 (1997). A model for implementing Supplemental Instruction in = engineering. In=20 Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Conference on Frontiers in Education=20 Conference (pp. 109-115). Pittsburgh, PA: International Electrical = Engineers=20 in Education.  Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20 http://fie.engr=

Martin, D. C., & = Arendale, D.=20 (1997). Mainstreaming of developmental education: Supplemental = Instruction=20 and Video-based Supplemental Instruction. Unpublished = Manuscript, The=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City. Retrieved June 12,=20 2005, from=20

Martin, D. C., & = Arendale, D.=20 (1997). Video-based Supplemental Instruction: Interactive video=20 courses. Unpublished manuscript, The University of = Missouri-Kansas=20 City. Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from du/~arend011/VSIanrpt.htm=20

Martin, D. C., Arendale, = D., &=20 Blanc, R. A. (1997). Mainstreaming of developmental education: = Supplemental=20 Instruction and Video-based Supplemental Instruction. = Unpublished=20 manuscript, The University of Missouri-Kansas City. Retrieved = June 12, = 2005, from

Martin, D. C., Blanc, R. = A., &=20 Arendale, D. (1994). Mentorship in the classroom: Making the implicit = explicit.=20 Teaching Excellence, 6(1), 1-2. Retreived July 1,=20 2005, from=20 du/~arend011/mentor97.pdf=20

Martin, D. C., Blanc, R. = A., &=20 Arendale, D. (1996). Supplemental Instruction: Supporting the classroom=20 experience. In J. N. Hankin (Ed.), The Community College:  = Opportunity and Access for America's First-Year Students (pp. = 123-133). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina:  = The=20 National Resource Center for The Freshman Year Experience and Students = in=20 Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. = ED393486). =20 Retrieved June 12, = 2005, from

Martin, D. C., Hall, P. = T., &=20 Arendale, D. (1991). Academic success for inner city high school youth: = The=20 positive effects of Supplemental Instruction with an urban high school.=20 Proceedings of the National Association of State Universities and = Land Grant=20 Colleges Conference Washington, D.C.: National Association of State=20 Universities and Land Grant Colleges.  Retrieved=20 June 12, = 2005, from

Martin, D. C., Hall, P. = T., &=20 Arendale, D. (1993). Use of Supplemental Instruction at an urban high = school. In=20 D. C. Martin, & D. Arendale (Eds.), Supplemental = Instruction: =20 Improving first-year student success in high-risk courses 2nd = ed.,  (pp. 31-33). Monograph Series No. 7. Columbia, = SC:=20 National Resource Center for The Freshman Year Experience and Students = in=20 Transition. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED354839). Retrieved = June 12, = 2005, from

Maxwell, M. (1997). = What are the=20 functions of a college learning assistance center?  = (ERIC=20 Document Reproduction Service No. ED413031). Retrieved July 30, = 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/15/06/c9.pdf<= /P>

McGee, J. V. (2005). = Cognitive,=20 demographic, and motivational factors as indicators of help-seeking in=20 supplemental instruction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas A = & M=20 University, College Station, TX.  Retrieved = November 24,=20 2006, from=20 2005A-EDAD-McGee.pdf=20

Millar, S. B. (1996). A = community=20 approach to learning calculus: Fostering success for underrepresented = ethnic=20 minorities in an Emerging Scholars Program.=20 Madison, WI: University of = Wisconsin-Madison.=20 (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED408180). Retrieved = July 30, = 2997 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/16/9e/c9.pdf<= /P>

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Miller, V., Oldfield, E., = &=20 Bulmer, M. (2004). Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) in first year = chemistry=20 and statistics courses: Insights and evaluations. In UniServe Science = Scholarly Inquiry Symposium Proceedings (pp. 30-35). Sydney, = Australia:=20 University of Sydney.  Retrieved June 2,=20 2005, from=20 ht= tp://

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Ochae, R. (1995). Writers = at risk:=20 An experiment with Supplemental Instruction in freshman writing = classrooms. In=20 Black=20 Hills = State = University Research and Scholarly = Work=20 Symposium Proceedings (pp. 67-72). Spearfish, = SD:=20 Black=20 Hills=20 State = University. (ERIC Document = Reproduction=20 Service No. ED414830). Retrieved July = 30,=20 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/15/1b/23.pdf<= /P>

Ochae, R. (1995). = Writing=20 partners: Improving writing and learning through Supplemental = Instruction in=20 freshman writing classrooms. Paper presented at the Annual = Meeting of=20 the National Council of Teachers of English in = San=20 Diego, CA. (ERIC Document = Reproduction=20 Service No. ED395323). Retrieved July = 30,=20 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/14/85/97.pdf=20

Oliver, S. (1995). = Empowering=20 student learning with Supplemental Instruction. Developing = skill-based=20 curricula through the disciplines:  Case studies of = good=20 practice in geography, SEDA Paper 89 . Birmingham, England: Staff = and=20 Educational Development Association. Retrieved July 1,=20 2004, from=20 http://=

Painter, S. =20 (Ed.). (2001-2007). Internet homepage for the=20 National = Center for Supplemental=20 Instruction=20 [On-line].  Retrieved July = 1,=20 2004, from=20

Painter, S. (Moderator).=20 (2001-2007). Supplemental Instruction Internet computer discussion=20 listserv [On-line].  Kansas City, MO: The = University of=20 Missouri-Kansas, Center for Supplemental Instruction. Retrieved = July 1, = 2004, from

Peled, O. N., & Kim, = A. C.=20 (1996). Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction at the college level. = The=20 Learning Assistance Review, 1(2), 23-31.(ERIC Document Reproduction = Service=20 No. ED410777). Retrieved July 30, = 2007 from cs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/14/ee/7e.pdf=20

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Power Point=20 Presentations

The following = on-line slide=20 shows provide a basic overview of the SI and other peer learning models. = Users=20 may want to use the shows with little changes or take elements from the = shows=20 and develop their own for use with administrators, faculty, staff, and = students=20 at their institution. Conducting a Google search or placing requests on = email=20 listserv discussion forums such as SInet (described elsewhere on this = web=20 site) can locate more samples to review.

 Several notes to users about viewing the = Power Point=20 slide shows. =

  1. Power Point = software must=20 already be installed on the computer to view the files. A free Power = Point=20 viewer is available for free download, =
  2. Sometimes the = slide shows=20 do not automatically advance to the next slide by pressing the space = bar or=20 the return key. It may be necessary to right-click the mouse and = manually=20 advance the slides.

For use with SI leaders: This presentation was intentionally = designed for=20 use during training workshops for student facilitators who work with the = SI=20 program. =

  1. Breaking = the=20 Dependency Cycle: Supplemental Instruction. Slide show used during SI Leader Training = at the=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (Amelia McDaniels) =

For use with=20 administrators, faculty members, and staff: These presentations were designed to inform = other=20 administrators, faculty, and staff about the SI program. Some are = general in=20 focus, others are more detailed.

  1. SI: = Structured=20 Learning Communities. = Slide show=20 that illustrates the connection between SI and learning communities. = (David=20 Arendale). es.ppt=20
  2. SI=20 Overview. Short slide = show that=20 provides a quick overview to SI. (David Arendale) htt= ps://
  3. Best = Practices of=20 Course-based Learning Assistance Programs. Slide show that describes best = practices among=20 several national peer learning group models including SI. (David = Arendale)
  4. Uses of SI = for Faculty=20 Development. Short slide = show that=20 illustrates some ideas for using SI as a part of an overall faculty=20 development program. Slides are based on examples from several = published=20 articles. (David Arendale) .ppt=20
  5. Extended = Overview of=20 SI. Slide show with an = extended=20 overview of SI for a community college audience in 2007. (David = Arendale). pt=20
  6. Internet-based=20 SI. Slide show that = provides=20 several case studies of SI use over the internet. (David Arendale). https= ://  =20
  7. Instructional Systems=20 Design for SI at Angelo State University (TX)=20 (Sara Weertz) 2006-docs/Instructional%20Systems%20Design-Sara%20Weertz.ppt#5=20
  8. Improving = Retention=20 through Peer Mentoring, Supplemental Instruction, and tutoring at=20 University of North=20 Carolina at Charlotte (Catherine Blat and Patricia Tolley) http://www.suc=
  9. Adapting = Supplemental=20 Instruction to the Developmental Math Setting at=20 Valencia Community=20 College (FL)=20 (Julie Pheleps) uments/B5.AtDSupplementalInstruction.pdf=20

 The following Power Point shows illustrate = other peer=20 cooperative learning programs in postsecondary education that have = similarities=20 to SI.

  1. Peer-led Team = Learning=20 Workshops: Development and implementation at the=20 University of Rochester (Terry Platt and Vicki Roth). =
  2. Peer-led Team = Learning at=20 Washington University at Saint = Louis. (K. DeAngelis, S. Hockings, L. Kuehne, = J. Woods,=20 and R. Frey). eral.pdf=20
  3. Peer-led Team = learning:=20 the power of teamwork (Ashley Bennett Golomb, Michael Cline, Ed = Elliott, A. E.=20 Dreyfuss, Kristy Drobney, and Jerry Sarquis) ht= tp:// and nlandA06.pdf=20
  4. Peer-led Team = Learning:=20 The workshop model at Portland State University (OR). (Carl Wamser, = Gwen=20 Shusterman, Rick Pi, and Cheryl Hodson) http://c=
  5. Development = of=20 computer-based activities for Peer-led Team Learning in = university-level=20 general chemistry at Coastal Carolina University (Johyn Goodwin) #1 =20

Materials = Available Free=20 Online to Train Student Facilitators

The following materials are available free = online for=20 training of peer learning group leaders. These have been selected since = they=20 have been used at postsecondary institutions for training of peer study = group=20 leaders such as SI leaders. Here are=20 links to other programs around the globe that may have training = materials=20 available on their web sites. Included=20 are also similar materials that are used to train student facilitators = with=20 other nationally-know peer learning programs called Peer-led Team = Learning and=20 Structured Learning Assistance. These materials are only a small sample = of the=20 materials available through the Internet. A Google search of the = Internet would=20 also identify many materials related to training tutors that could be = adapted=20 for professional development of SI leaders.

Video = Training=20 Materials

  1. Video training modules for = SI=20 leaders=20 (Utah State University, Academic Resource Center). Five modules: Purpose and objective of = SI=20 training video, Group learning activities, Incorporating study skills, =  Questioning techniques, and =  Conclusion=20 http:/= /
  2. Video modules on study = strategies for=20 study groups and individual tutors=20 (Dartmouth University, Academic Skills Center) http://www.=
  3. Brief SI video to promote SI = attendance=20 (Stephen F.=20 Austin State University,=20 TX)  =20

Print = Training=20 Materials

  1. Comprehensive training = manual for peer=20 learning group facilitators.=20 (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, = College of Education and Human Development, Department of = Postsecondary=20 Teaching and Learning). http://ww=
  2. Resources for peer educators = and SI=20 leaders.=20 (Indiana=20 University=20 Pennsylvania, The Department of Developmental = Studies,=20 Learning Enhancement Center) http://w=
  3. SI Leader training=20 manual.=20 (University of Texas at Austin, UTLearning Center). http://w=
  4. SI leaders training=20 manual.=20 (Utah State University, Academic Resource Center). Additional materials related to the selection and training of SI = leaders is=20 available at http://=
  5. Resources for training peer = learning=20 group leaders. (The=20 City University of New = York). These items were developed for a = program similar=20 to SI called Peer-led Team Learning.  A link to the web site for this national program is = =
  6. Resources = for=20 training peer learning group leaders.=20 (Ferris = State = University). These items were = developed for=20 a program similar to SI called Structured Learning Assistance. http://www= A link to the web site for this national program is /homepage.htm

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of = the page=20 author.
The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved = by the=20 University of Minnesota.